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CSE Updates Staff with First Aid & CPR Training

CSE had recently conducted an intensive 2 day training program in the field of First Aid and CPR. Organised by MASLM (Malaysian Academy of Supply Chain & Logistics Management), this training course was specially designed to train regular employees to become fully certified First Aiders. As first aid emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere and to anyone, it is important for our employees to have the proper knowledge to help and care for any injured or ill person during a crisis.

Among the activities conducted during the training include the practice of Lay Rescuer CPR techniques and First Aid management for various injuries and illnesses. Employees were also trained to survey the scene of emergency and properly assess and recognize a patient’s injury or illness.

At the end of the training course, the participating employees were awarded competent certificates to ensure they possess the necessary First Aid skills and confidence needed to save lives in an emergency situation.